►CAttribute | |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Columns.RecommendedColumnTypeAttribute | Decorate a task property with this attribute to recommend a specific column type for the "convert to column" function |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.FilenameAttribute | State that the task property describes a filename/folder name and should offer a picker dialog in the Chronos method editor |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SimpleFilenameAttribute | Easier to use if you don't care about localization |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.DefaultUnitAttribute | Use this on your task property if you want the method editor to show a default unit |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.DevicesLimitedAttribute | Add this attribute to your ITaskForDevice.SetDevice method or your IDevice property if you are using more than one device to limit the range of autosamplers that is offered in the method editor |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.DynamicPropertyMasterAttribute | Set this attribute if changing its value in the method editor will result in a different list of properties for the task/service |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.InvisibleByDefaultAttribute | Use this attribute to mark a property as only visible to users who explicitly look for invisible properties |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.LicenseCheckerAttribute | Use this attribute if you want to expose the contents of your plugin assembly only after a license check was successful |
CMockPlugin.Misc.MockLicenseCheckAttribute | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.LinkPropertyAttribute | Attribute to link the decorated Property with the specifyed Task and TaskProperty |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.LockInstrumentAttribute | Decorate a property of your ParamT class with this property if your acquisition service can be used simultaneously on multiple instruments |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.NoPluginAttribute | Decorate your class with this attribute if it formally looks like some plugin component, but is meant for internal usage only and yet has to be public for some reason |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.RequiresAdvancedAttribute | If this attribute is present, the respective class is not available in Chronos XT |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ScheduleDiagramColorAttribute | Override the default color that is used to display the task in the schedule diagram |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SortPriorityAttribute | Override the normal sort priority in the method editor |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.StandardValueProviderAttribute | If your standard value list cannot be provided without knowing the actual task's details, you can derive from this attribute class |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.TaskListAttribute | This attribute uses the task to which it is applied to query for other tasks in the method editor. The list of returned values is just a list of the tasks currently in the method editor |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SuppressPathPrefixAttribute | Please don't use this unless you are sure you know what you are doing! Set this attribute on your task if you have to avoid "Plugin." prefix in property paths |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.TaskCategoryAttribute | The Task Category Method Attribute |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.CustomTaskCategoryAttribute | Use this if none of the predefined categories fit and you have a better idea than "Misc" |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.CoffeeCategory | Custom category in the method editor for coffee making related tasks |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting.DefaultGreetingsAttribute | Simple example how to provide a combobox with standard values for a property |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeConsumableViewModel | Viel model for coffee machine related consumables |
CMockPlugin.Device.CoffeMakerParams | We have a fancy coffee machine that can regulate the warmer temperature for the pot and has lamps for ambient light |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino.CompositionData | Let's pretend the composition is really complex and better done with a custom editor |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.ConfigDialog | Interaktionslogik für ConfigDialog.xaml |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Core | Access to some parts of the core of the Chronos program |
►CCustomTypeDescriptor | |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.DynamicAcqPars | Parameter class for an acquisition service that has a variable number of properties |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.FlexibleArguments | This task demonstrates how to use a custom type descriptor to implement a dynamic list of properties. The number of properties can be changed by setting the PropCount property |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice | This task demonstrates how to make the property list depend on the picked autosampler |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice | This task demonstrates how to make the property list depend on the picked autosampler |
►CDateTimeEditor | |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.MyDateEditor | Just unwrap and edit the inner DateTime |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.DeviceExtensions | Hopefully useful extensions for IDevice |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPAL3Services.DualHeadHomingOptions | Lets you selectively suppress the usual homing of a Dual Head sampler |
CMockPlugin.RemoteAccessTester.EndpointDef | To avoid duplicating the endpoint definition in server and client |
►CEnumConverter | |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.CreamTypeConverter | Just provide a TypeConverter, and Chronos is happy |
►CEventArgs | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.InteractiveErrorHandlingEventArgs | Everything needed for showing the error dialog / reacting on input |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.MethodLaunchEventArgs | Could be extended in the future if e.g. arguments should be passed to the method running task planer |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.RunSampleListEventArgs | Parameters for sample list loading and schedule creation |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ScheduleStateEventArgs | Information about the current state change |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.TraceWriteEventArgs | For future extension (categories, priorities...) |
CMockPlugin.Misc.FakeStatusViewModel | |
►CForm | |
CMockPlugin.Device.CoffeeMakerParamsUI | Simple user interfrace for the fake coffee maker's parameters |
CMockPlugin.Device.ConnectionStringEditor | Just a form with a TextBox. Nothing to see here |
CMockPlugin.RemoteAccessTester.MessageTesterForm | Shows how to communicate from an external program with a Plugin in order to trigger actions in Chronos |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.FrappuccinoCompositionEditor | Provides an editor for the BrewFrappuccino-Task's "Composition" information |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Helpers | Static instance for access to utility functions and resources |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAccessProperty | Gives full access to other tasks's properties |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionService< DynamicAcqPars > | |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockDynamicParAcquisitionService | Acquisition service for a parameter class that has a variable number of properties |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionService< SimpleParameters > | |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionServiceBase | Base for acquisition services, parts that are the same regardless of the parameter list. If you want to provide an acquisition service from your plugin, you must implement the generic interface for your specific parameter type |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionService< TParam > | Implement this interface if you want to provide an acquisition service that is loaded on program start, can provide an optional configuration dialog and be used by the normal Acquisition task in Chronos |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISoftHandshakingAcquisitionService< TParam > | Implement this interface if you want to support soft handshaking (read: not by cable) for your acquisition service |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICommandUsingAcquisitionService< TCommandAndParameters > | Implement this interface if your acquisition service supports some kind of utility commands that could be run from a method |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IConfigurableAcquisitionService | Implement this interface if your acquisition service requires some kind of configuration |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDetailProvidingAcquisitionService | If there are several instruments or you can provide some version/configuration information for the service, this is the place to do it |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IEbisEnabledAcquisitionService | To be implemented by acquisition services that cooperate with the EBIS module for Chronos |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPerseveringAcquisitionService | Request retrying if IsAvailable returned false |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISequenceAwareAcquisitionService | Implement this if your acquisition service has to know when a Chronos sequence starts / ends |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStandbySupportingAcquisitionService | For services that can be put into some kind of standby mode (by an error method, for example) |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockDynamicParAcquisitionService | Acquisition service for a parameter class that has a variable number of properties |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICellAccessor | Gives access to a cell's value |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IColumnInfo | Information about a column defined in a method |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Columns.IColumnMenu | Provides a menu item title and the respective functionality |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.ColumnHeaderMenu | Just a general purpose column header menu |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Columns.IColumnTypeDefinition | Implement this interface on a class that defines a custom column that can be used just like a builtin Chronos column type in the method editor and from the sample list |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.CoffeeTypeColumn | Just an example for freshly updated combobox entries |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.CreamTypeColumn | Simple case: Enum based column. Possible values are given in the StandardItems, custom editor is not used |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.DateColumn | Example column type that allows to pick a date and time from a graphical editor |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICommandUsingAcquisitionService< MockCommandAndParameters > | |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IConfigInfo | Get information about the currently active configuration |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumableManagerToolbox< CoffeeConsumableManager > | |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeConsumableManagerUI | Toolbox for all coffee machine related consumables. Currently just a display of the consumable levels |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumableManipulator | Helps you manipulate the desired consumable, or works as a dummy |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumables | For centralized access to all consumables |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.ICoreUtils | Chronos core utility functions |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDebugHelper | Utility functions for debugging purposes |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDevice | To be implemented by the "device driver" part of a Chronos plugin |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAbortSchedules | Implement this interface if you need to abort schedules on some error condition |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IBarcodeReader | Implement this interface if your device is a barcode reader that can be used with the ReadBarcode task |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICanInterrupt | For devices that support pausing/aborting independent of a task |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveDebugOutput | Implement this interface if you wish to provide debug log output |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveInteractiveErrorHandling | For devices that allow interactive error handling (like retrying the last action) |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveMachineParameters< ParamType > | Parameters that are constant for the duration of a schedule |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IJobAwareDevice | Implement this if your device needs to know when a specific job of the running scheduler has finished |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IManageConnectionState | Implement this if your device wants to expose its connection state to other plugins |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IMultipartDevice | Implement this interface if your device consists of multiple parts which can be used in parallel - like the heads/body of a PAL3. In the part, please return BaseDeviceName + ":" + PartName for consistency reasons |
CMockPlugin.Device.Train | For lack of a better idea, the demonstration for the multipart device is a train consisting of a locomotive and some different cars |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.INeedAConnection | For devices that need some kind of user configured connection string to address the hardware |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPAL3Services | An object implementing this interface is provided by Chronos and passed to the PAL3task just before execution |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginDeviceAdapter | Do not implement this interface |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IProvideStatusMessages | Implement this interface if you want to keep the user up-to-date about what your device is doing |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CMockPlugin.Device.TrainPart | The device part (well, train part) can't do much, just send status messages when the doors are opened/closed |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IProvideTrayGeometry | Allow to ask the sampler for the geometry of a tray |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.LegacyDevices.IChronectIoBox | Provides access to the Chronect I/O box - a LAN accessible device that provides several digital inputs and outputs |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.LegacyDevices.IPAL | Provides access to legacy PAL / PAL xt functionality |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CMockPlugin.Device.TrainPart | The device part (well, train part) can't do much, just send status messages when the doors are opened/closed |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDeviceInfo | Gives access to information about a device and its connection state, if known |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDirectDeviceAccess | Implement this interface if you need direct access to the list of configured devices |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeConsumableManager | Keeps track of all consumables that are associated to our mock coffee machine |
CMockPlugin.Device.DeviceSurveillance | Shows how you can directly interact with all configured devices |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
►CIDisposable | |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IEmbedMethods | Implement this interface if you want to run a method from within your task |
►CIEnumerable | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDeviceInfoProvider | Providing an opportunity for future extension. Made available via dependency injection |
►CSystem.Collections.IEnumerable | |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting.DefaultGreetingsAttribute | Simple example how to provide a combobox with standard values for a property |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IGuiHelper | Helper functions for GUI related tasks |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveConfigurator | The GUI for the configuration can be managed seperately from the service |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveMachineParameters< CoffeMakerParams > | |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IHaveNavBarInformation | Base interface for the Consumables Manager Toolbox |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumableManagerToolbox< in TManager > | Provides some GUI for a consumable manager |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveRunlogOutput | Implement this interface if you have messages for our run log |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockDynamicParAcquisitionService | Acquisition service for a parameter class that has a variable number of properties |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
CMockPlugin.Device.Train | For lack of a better idea, the demonstration for the multipart device is a train consisting of a locomotive and some different cars |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.DumpConfigInfo | This tasks uses the config helper to access some information about the instrument configuration and just dumps it to the runlog |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockUseMultipleDevicesTask | For some special cases it can be necessary to have a single task communicate with two different devices |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting | A task which does not need access to the custom device |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IInspectJob | Allows to get information about other tasks within our task's job and about other jobs |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IJitLinkAware | Implement this interface on your ParamT if you need to check for the presence of just in time evaluated expressions for the calling AcquisitionTask |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILargeStatusView< MockDevice > | |
CMockPlugin.Misc.LargeDeviceStatusView | Interaction logic for LargeDeviceStatusView.xaml |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILicenseChecker | Information about license validity and type |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILicenseInfo | Details about a Chronos style license |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILoadPathExtender | Allows loading assemblies from specific paths |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IManageConsumables | Keep track of consumables levels |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeConsumableManager | Keeps track of all consumables that are associated to our mock coffee machine |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.MethodEditor.IMethodEditorSnooper | Implement IMethodEditorSnoopingTask. Do not implement this interface |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IMethodInfo | Information about the method that was used to create this job |
►CMockPlugin.RemoteAccessTester.IMockPlugin | Very basic service, only to show that you can trigger some action from outside and get a response |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.RemotePluginService | Example for communication with external programs |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.IngredientsForDevice | |
►CINotifyPropertyChanged | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.IJobInfo | Basic information about a job (= diagram row) within a task planer |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.IPlannerInfo | Some hopefully useful information about a queued planner |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.IScheduleQueue | Access to the schedule execution list |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumablePool | Information about the available consumables with a common name (like "Water" or "Liners") |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeIngredient | Base class for all used mock coffee ingredients |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumablePuddle | Implement this on the representation of a single source for some consumable |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.WPF.ViewModels.LicenseCheckViewModel | Model for default Chronos licenses |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino | A task working on a complex parameter set |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPal3Access | Provides access to some options and configuration information for the PAL3 samplers even out of the schedule execution context |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPal3Options | Makes some aspects of the PAL3 behavior configurable |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.IParallelScriptTask | Interface for the parrallel Script tasks |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginAdapter< out TPluginInterface > | Generic way to access a plugin object that was wrapped by Chronos |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginAdapter< IDevice > | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginDeviceAdapter | Do not implement this interface |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginAdapter< ITask > | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginTaskAdapter | Do not implement this interface |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IProvideDiagnosticLogs | This can be called for a sample list worker or device that writes its own set of log files which should be available with the "gather diagnostics" option |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IReactOnCultureChanges | Allows you to support runtime language switching just like Chronos does |
►Cglobal.AxelSemrauChronos.Plugin.IReactOnCultureChanges | |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting | A task which does not need access to the custom device |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IResourceManager | The resource manager is your interface to the scheduler regarding occupied or locked objects |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IRunContext | Information on the current context during acquisition. Can be extended on request |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IRunContextAware | Implement this interface on your acquisition parameter type to get information related to the currently running job |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISampleListAccessor | Provides basic sample list information and lets you iterate over all lines |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISampleListLine | Gives access to all cells of a line |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISampleListManager | Access to all sample lists, adding of new sample lists |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IScheduleEvents | Currently starting schedule stage |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IScheduleStateAware | Implement this interface if you need to track the state of schedules |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStatusView< TDevice > | To be implemented by the Status view part of a Chronos plugin |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILargeStatusView< TDevice > | Like IStatusView<TDevice>, but for status displays that need more room |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStatusView< MockDevice > | |
CMockPlugin.Misc.StatusViewControl | This control is used to show the status for our MockDevice |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStopRuns | Implement this interface with your device or sample list worker to get fine-grained control about stopping a currently running schedule or the complete queue |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDevice | A chronos plugin implementation for a fake device. We pretend we are controlling a mixture of coffee machine and waiter robot |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting | A task which does not need access to the custom device |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStorageInspector | Inspect stored data |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITask | To be implemented by the "task" part of a Chronos plugin. Public properties of the implementing type are visible in Chronos' method editor |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumer | For tasks that intend to modify consumable levels |
►CMockPlugin.Tasks.CoffeeMachineBaseTask | Base class for our example, just contains some empty default implementations and a check for the right device type |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewCoffee | Calls a method of the device class with one if its task parameters |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino | A task working on a complex parameter set |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.CoffeeMachineDoesNotWorkProperly | In contrast to PretendCoffeeMachineIsBroken, this simulates an error that an autosampler could have while it is used by a task |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.PretendCoffeeMachineIsBroken | This task will trigger a timer in our device which will make it complain about an error situation, even if at that time no task is trying to use it |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAbortableTask | Implement this interface if your task does some long lasting operation which should be interruptible |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionHostTask | This interface is implemented by the acquisition task instance that hosts your parameter list |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDemoAwareTask | For tasks that try to do some special actions during schedule demo execution |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting | A task which does not need access to the custom device |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IGiveARuntimeHint | If you can calculate your runtime, you should implement this interface |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino | A task working on a complex parameter set |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.INeedToCheckForJITLinks | Implement this interface if you have to know (usually for validation) if a certain property of a given task will be filled in later by a {jit:} scripting expression |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.JobInspectionDemo | Shows how to get information about other tasks in the schedule |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.INeedToInspectOtherTasks | Implement this interface if you have to access other tasks within the schedule |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.JobInspectionDemo | Shows how to get information about other tasks in the schedule |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginTaskAdapter | Do not implement this interface |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITaskForDevice | To be implemented if the task needs to access a device ("Autosampler" property in Chronos) |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewCoffee | Calls a method of the device class with one if its task parameters |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino | A task working on a complex parameter set |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.CoffeeMachineDoesNotWorkProperly | In contrast to PretendCoffeeMachineIsBroken, this simulates an error that an autosampler could have while it is used by a task |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice | This task demonstrates how to make the property list depend on the picked autosampler |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice | This task demonstrates how to make the property list depend on the picked autosampler |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockUseMultipleDevicesTask | For some special cases it can be necessary to have a single task communicate with two different devices |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.PretendCoffeeMachineIsBroken | This task will trigger a timer in our device which will make it complain about an error situation, even if at that time no task is trying to use it |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.UseTrain | Just show that some kind of operation can be done with our "Train" device parts |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IUseResources | Implement this interface if you need to communicate with the scheduler about locked/occupied objects |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.MethodEditor.IMethodEditorSnoopingTask | Implement this interface with your task to get information about your surroundings in the method editor |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockMethodEditorSnoopingTask | This task just shows how you can react on the method editor contents and provide context sensitive property standard values |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.DumpConfigInfo | This tasks uses the config helper to access some information about the instrument configuration and just dumps it to the runlog |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.FlexibleArguments | This task demonstrates how to use a custom type descriptor to implement a dynamic list of properties. The number of properties can be changed by setting the PropCount property |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.JobInspectionDemo | Shows how to get information about other tasks in the schedule |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting | A task which does not need access to the custom device |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.ITaskHelperSupport | ITaskHelperSupport |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITaskInfo | Gives access to a task's implementation and to all user visible properties |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.MethodEditor.ITaskInEditorInfo | Access to the method editor's view of the task |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.ITaskPluginAccessor | Allows getting the PlugIn ITask |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.ITokenResolver | ITokenResolver for resolving a Method Column TRAY% expression into its value |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IToolbox< TDevice > | To be implemented by the Toolbox part of a Chronos plugin |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IUsableDuringRun< TDevice > | Implement this if you want your toolbox to be visible during a sequence run |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IToolbox< MockDevice > | |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDeviceToolbox | Example implementation for a WinForms toolbox for our Mock Device |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITraceLogger | Writes some text to the trace log |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockSimpleAcquisitionService | An example acquisition service using a fixed list of parameters |
CMockPlugin.Device.DeviceSurveillance | Shows how you can directly interact with all configured devices |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.ShowSomeGreeting | A task which does not need access to the custom device |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Config.ITrayInfo | Basic information about a tray or similar object |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Config.ITrayVialInfo | Currently only used internally |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IUsableDuringRun< MockDevice > | |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDeviceToolbox | Example implementation for a WinForms toolbox for our Mock Device |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IUtilityFactories | Helper factories for utility classes implemented within Chronos |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IWantEditorUpdates | Implement this interface in your task if you want the method editor to notify it of changed properties |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino | A task working on a complex parameter set |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice | This task demonstrates how to make the property list depend on the picked autosampler |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice | This task demonstrates how to make the property list depend on the picked autosampler |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IWorkWithSampleLists | For plugins that want to manipulate or run sample lists |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.INeedCellAccess | Implement this interface in your sample list worker class if you need access to the content of cells |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAccessSampleLists | From Chronos 5.2 on, there can be multiple sample lists at once |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
►CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.INeedToRunSampleLists | For automatic generation of sample lists and running the resulting schedules |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.MockSampleListWorker | Provides an endless supply of nonsense sample lists |
CMockPlugin.Device.DeviceSurveillance | Shows how you can directly interact with all configured devices |
►CMemberDescriptor | |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.FlexibleArguments.MyMemberDescriptor | Member descriptor "implementation" - the defaults are ok for us |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockCommandAndParameters | Example definition of a command and its parameters that can be called for an AxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICommandUsingAcquisitionService |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.MyDate | Simple wrapper around DateTime that makes sure to always use the invariant culture |
CRemoteAccessTester.Program | Class containing the entry point |
►CPropertyDescriptor | |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.DynamicAcqPars.StringListPropertyDescriptor | Maps a property to an entry in our string list |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.FlexibleArguments.MyPropertyDescriptor | Custom property descriptor, redirecting get/set into our mPropsValues dictionary |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice.MyPropertyDescriptor | Just a dynamic property named after the picked autosampler. The value is just redirected to the mDynPropValue of the task |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.MockDynamicPropsDependingOnDevice.MyPropertyDescriptor | Just a dynamic property named after the picked autosampler. The value is just redirected to the mDynPropValue of the task |
CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.SimpleParameters | Example parameter set for an acquisition service |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.StopRunArgs | Options for stopping the schedule/queue |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.TrayGeometry | Basic description of a simple rectangle tray geometry |
►CTypeConverter | |
CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.MyDateConverter | Just like the default converter, but always use the invariant culture and wraps/unwraps the "MyDate" |
►CUITypeEditor | |
CMockPlugin.Device.ConnectionEditor | Just a primitive UI Type Editor to demonstrate how you can add an editor of your own for connection strings |
CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino.CompositionEditor | Provide an editor for our complex parameter set, the standard component model way |
►CUserControl | |
CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeConsumableManagerUI | Toolbox for all coffee machine related consumables. Currently just a display of the consumable levels |
CMockPlugin.Device.EditMachineParams | Interaction logic for EditMachineParams.xaml |
CMockPlugin.Device.MockDeviceToolbox | Example implementation for a WinForms toolbox for our Mock Device |
CMockPlugin.Misc.LargeDeviceStatusView | Interaction logic for LargeDeviceStatusView.xaml |
CMockPlugin.Misc.NoLicenseNeededExplanation | Interaction logic for NoLicenseNeededExplanation.xaml |
CMockPlugin.Misc.StatusViewControl | This control is used to show the status for our MockDevice |
►CWindow | |
CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.WPF.Views.LicenseCheckDialog | Just a placeholder for an internally generated dialog window that uses a LicenseCheckViewModel |
CMockPlugin.SampleList.ShowPluginIsInCharge | Interaction logic for ShowPluginIsInCharge.xaml |