Chronos Plugins 5.9.0
This documentation covers the plugin interfaces definitions and an example implementation.
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CMockPlugin.Consumables.CoffeeConsumableViewModelViel model for coffee machine related consumables
 CMockPlugin.Device.CoffeMakerParamsWe have a fancy coffee machine that can regulate the warmer temperature for the pot and has lamps for ambient light
 CMockPlugin.Tasks.BrewFrappuccino.CompositionDataLet's pretend the composition is really complex and better done with a custom editor
 CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.ConfigDialogInteraktionslogik für ConfigDialog.xaml
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.CoreAccess to some parts of the core of the Chronos program
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.DeviceExtensionsHopefully useful extensions for IDevice
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPAL3Services.DualHeadHomingOptionsLets you selectively suppress the usual homing of a Dual Head sampler
 CMockPlugin.RemoteAccessTester.EndpointDefTo avoid duplicating the endpoint definition in server and client
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.HelpersStatic instance for access to utility functions and resources
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAccessPropertyGives full access to other tasks's properties
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionService< DynamicAcqPars >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionService< SimpleParameters >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IAcquisitionServiceBaseBase for acquisition services, parts that are the same regardless of the parameter list. If you want to provide an acquisition service from your plugin, you must implement the generic interface for your specific parameter type
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICellAccessorGives access to a cell's value
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IColumnInfoInformation about a column defined in a method
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Columns.IColumnMenuProvides a menu item title and the respective functionality
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Columns.IColumnTypeDefinitionImplement this interface on a class that defines a custom column that can be used just like a builtin Chronos column type in the method editor and from the sample list
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICommandUsingAcquisitionService< MockCommandAndParameters >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IConfigInfoGet information about the currently active configuration
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumableManagerToolbox< CoffeeConsumableManager >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumableManipulatorHelps you manipulate the desired consumable, or works as a dummy
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IConsumablesFor centralized access to all consumables
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.ICoreUtilsChronos core utility functions
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDebugHelperUtility functions for debugging purposes
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDeviceTo be implemented by the "device driver" part of a Chronos plugin
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDeviceInfoGives access to information about a device and its connection state, if known
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IDirectDeviceAccessImplement this interface if you need direct access to the list of configured devices
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IEmbedMethodsImplement this interface if you want to run a method from within your task
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IGuiHelperHelper functions for GUI related tasks
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveConfiguratorThe GUI for the configuration can be managed seperately from the service
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveMachineParameters< CoffeMakerParams >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IHaveNavBarInformationBase interface for the Consumables Manager Toolbox
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IHaveRunlogOutputImplement this interface if you have messages for our run log
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IInspectJobAllows to get information about other tasks within our task's job and about other jobs
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IJitLinkAwareImplement this interface on your ParamT if you need to check for the presence of just in time evaluated expressions for the calling AcquisitionTask
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILargeStatusView< MockDevice >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILicenseCheckerInformation about license validity and type
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILicenseInfoDetails about a Chronos style license
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ILoadPathExtenderAllows loading assemblies from specific paths
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Consumables.IManageConsumablesKeep track of consumables levels
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.MethodEditor.IMethodEditorSnooperImplement IMethodEditorSnoopingTask. Do not implement this interface
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IMethodInfoInformation about the method that was used to create this job
 CMockPlugin.RemoteAccessTester.IMockPluginVery basic service, only to show that you can trigger some action from outside and get a response
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPal3AccessProvides access to some options and configuration information for the PAL3 samplers even out of the schedule execution context
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPal3OptionsMakes some aspects of the PAL3 behavior configurable
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.IParallelScriptTaskInterface for the parrallel Script tasks
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginAdapter< out TPluginInterface >Generic way to access a plugin object that was wrapped by Chronos
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginAdapter< IDevice >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IPluginAdapter< ITask >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IProvideDiagnosticLogsThis can be called for a sample list worker or device that writes its own set of log files which should be available with the "gather diagnostics" option
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IReactOnCultureChangesAllows you to support runtime language switching just like Chronos does
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IResourceManagerThe resource manager is your interface to the scheduler regarding occupied or locked objects
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IRunContextInformation on the current context during acquisition. Can be extended on request
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IRunContextAwareImplement this interface on your acquisition parameter type to get information related to the currently running job
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISampleListAccessorProvides basic sample list information and lets you iterate over all lines
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISampleListLineGives access to all cells of a line
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ISampleListManagerAccess to all sample lists, adding of new sample lists
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IScheduleEventsCurrently starting schedule stage
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IScheduleStateAwareImplement this interface if you need to track the state of schedules
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStatusView< TDevice >To be implemented by the Status view part of a Chronos plugin
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStatusView< MockDevice >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStopRunsImplement this interface with your device or sample list worker to get fine-grained control about stopping a currently running schedule or the complete queue
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IStorageInspectorInspect stored data
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITaskTo be implemented by the "task" part of a Chronos plugin. Public properties of the implementing type are visible in Chronos' method editor
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITaskInfoGives access to a task's implementation and to all user visible properties
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.ITaskPluginAccessorAllows getting the PlugIn ITask
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.SDKSupport.ITokenResolverITokenResolver for resolving a Method Column TRAY% expression into its value
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IToolbox< TDevice >To be implemented by the Toolbox part of a Chronos plugin
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IToolbox< MockDevice >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ITraceLoggerWrites some text to the trace log
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Config.ITrayInfoBasic information about a tray or similar object
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.Config.ITrayVialInfoCurrently only used internally
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IUsableDuringRun< MockDevice >
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IUtilityFactoriesHelper factories for utility classes implemented within Chronos
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IWantEditorUpdatesImplement this interface in your task if you want the method editor to notify it of changed properties
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.IWorkWithSampleListsFor plugins that want to manipulate or run sample lists
 CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.MockCommandAndParametersExample definition of a command and its parameters that can be called for an AxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.ICommandUsingAcquisitionService
 CMockPlugin.SampleListColumns.MyDateSimple wrapper around DateTime that makes sure to always use the invariant culture
 CRemoteAccessTester.ProgramClass containing the entry point
 CMockPlugin.AcquisitionService.SimpleParametersExample parameter set for an acquisition service
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.StopRunArgsOptions for stopping the schedule/queue
 CAxelSemrau.Chronos.Plugin.TrayGeometryBasic description of a simple rectangle tray geometry